Missing gummies in your life?! Make your own keto gummies! These are so super simple and you can have fun with them by using different molds and flavors of sugar free jello. I like to add heavy whipping cream, which is totally optional but adds a nice creaminess. Full fat coconut cream also works if you are dairy free. It makes 24 little bears and the whole batch only have 4g of total carbs.
• 1/2 cup of HWC or coconut cream
• 1, .3oz box of sugar-free Jell-O, any flavor
• 1 tbsp unflavored gelatin
1. In small saucepan, heat the HWC over medium heat
2. Add Jell-O and gelatin and stir until combined
3. Use a dropper to place mixture into silicone molds
4. Refrigerate for an hour, unmold the gummies
Store gummies in airtight container in the refrigerator. Enjoy!
Photo by @keto_alice
Photo by @keto_alice
Photo by @keto_alice