“These cookies are better than “normal” cookies”
- Kaia, my 14 year old daughter
I am a BIG fan of keto baked goods as an easy way to keep it keto over the holidays and gatherings without feeling like you’re missing anything. There are a bunch of great brands out there that offer keto friendly cookies and I enjoy all of them! I also have recipes for cookies in my cookbooks if you want to bake your own. BUT sometimes you just want someone else to do the dirty work and bake you up some delicious, homemade, low carb treats. My go-to person for that is Jackque Olmos better known as @jackque_bakes on Instagram. I have never met Jackque (and I need to make that happen asap), but I have met her treats and OMG! Her blueberry loaf is amazing, her bagels are great, but you guys…. THESE BUTTER PECAN COOKIES ARE INSANE!
Kaia (my 14 year old daughter) does not share my enthusiasm for all keto cookies. I blame it on the fact that she goes off and on eating keto foods so her taste buds haven’t gone all the way keto lol. So when I offered her one of Jackque’s Butter Pecan cookies she said “A keto cookie? No thanks.” But I’m persuasive ;) so I got her to try a crumb and then she asked for a whole one, and then she said…
“These cookies are better than “normal” cookies”
Success!!! Also it is 100% accurate (says my keto taste buds). They are so freaking good. So do yourself a favor and order some. You get delicious cookies and you get to support a super awesome mom and her small business, so win / win! I’m pretty convinced these cookies will get her famous one day though :-D
You can get 10% off on her website with the code KETOINTHECITY so happy holidays and happy cookie eating!
Photo via @jackque_bakes
Photo via @jackque_bakes